Protect your credit during and after divorce
Divorce can have a very negative effect on your credit rating. You should get in touch with a lender who specializes in divorces as soon as possible to plan to avoid the worst of the problems that can arise.
It gets complicated because paying off and closing joint accounts can actually have a pretty bad effect on your credit, but joint accounts can leave you vulnerable, too. It's worth seeking expert advice on how best to protect yourself.
And even if you thread your way through the land mines and keep your credit score intact, you also need to take into account the possibility of identify theft.
Your spouse may have enough personal information about you to open up accounts in your name without your knowledge. You may never know, until you need to apply for credit.
One way to protect yourself is through a credit reporting service or even a credit lock service. Even though it's yet another expense at a time when expenses are mounting, it may be one of the wisest choices you make. Even if nothing bad happens, won't you sleep a little easier?