1. I'm getting divorced. Do I need to fill out the forms on the Judiciary website?
Yes, you do. You need to submit the Complaint or Answer, an Asset and Debt Statement, an Income and Expense Statement, and a Marital Action Information form.
There are many other forms on the website: https://www.courts.state.hi.us/self-help/courts/forms/hawaii/hawaii_third_circuit_forms, and you may be required to fill some of them out. That depends upon the circumstances of your case.
2. Do I need to mediate my divorce?
Not in all cases, but it is generally recommended. Either party can refuse to mediate, or to accept the settlement resulting from mediation, but parties are frequently far better off mediating their issues and submitting an agreed upon settlement to the Court.
3. How long does it take to get divorced?
That depends on many factors. The fewer issues, the quicker the resolution. So if you can agree upon all the terms (an uncontested divorce), it can be done in a month or less. On the other end of the spectrum, it can take many years if there are complex issues and appeals.
4. How much does a divorce cost?
If your divorce is very simple, you can handle it without an attorney, and your cost will be filing fee only! But difficult divorces can easily run to 5 figures, and even 6!